Ashuma’s Views

Ashuma Sachdeva is a dance & movement therapist who believes you should dance like no one is watching .

I met you at Zorba the Buddha, where you conducted a wonderful session on Dance therapy. How were you initiated into this form of therapy, through formal training or through personal experimentation?

Thanks. I feel, I am dance. In the sense, I have been dancing from childhood, so this form came very naturally to me, hence I pursued it. One also does consulations for corporates and I saw the link between emotions and body, so I started facilitating these sessions.

We were essentially hunter/gatherers and our daily routines were about movement for the sake of survival. But now most of us are stuck indoors, chained to our desks. How do you think that plays on our psyche?

I feel like when energy gets stuck it shows. Our soul, mind, body, heart are all connected. We are holistic beings and for us staying indoors is challenging, as we are meant to play and have fun. Not being in nature, slowly impacts our psyche and it limits our growth.

You have a unique style-from your personality to your hairstyle, to even the way you dance, which is so energetic it can uplift anyone’s spirits. As a woman, to me you embody an unusual mix of the female and male energies. Have you made a conscious effort to balance them, so well?

Yes, I made a conscious effort to integrate both my feminine and masculine being, as both are needed. My preference when I dance is to embody my feminine.

The movements you teach are not like a regular dance class. They unhinge a person’s pent up emotions, something like the Kundalini. How important is unrestricted, unconventional dancing for our inner child?

Yes, this is dance therapy. You cannot dance if something is weighing you down. You need all to move. Dance helps you move energetically, it changes you with time. It helps you integrate your past and be present and move towards your future. It’s a practice; dance is truly healing as it utilizes your entire being!
