Preeti Somani’s Views

The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness month is-Moving more for your mental health. Psychologist, Preeti Somani, shares her insights on the same with us.

What attracted you to this profession? Was is it to help others or to better understand your own psyche?

I joined this field to address my own struggles and gain understanding of those around me dealing with mental health issues. Pursuing a master’s in Clinical Psychology ignited a passion to explore human thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This led me to a strong desire to empower others to pursue their dreams and goals using my knowledge and skills. I believe that mental well being can be achieved if you seek to embark on a journey of self discovery and conscious effort!

There’s a saying, you need to ‘hug the cactus,’ meaning fully accept the darkness within you. As a professional what is your opinion of those who reject their own as well as other’s darkness and what can the repercussions of that be?

Psychological flexibility, akin to mental well being, hinges on acknowledging our own perceived strengths and limitations, as well as those of others, recognizing that we are all imperfect and inconsistent. Despite this, we each have our preferences and hence need to select people we choose to allow into our lives with their flaws, which we’re willing to tolerate!

This year, the theme for mental health awareness month is, ‘Movement—-moving more for our mental health’. What is your take on it?

Slowing down physical activity can exacerbate depression. It’s important to intentionally incorporate movement even while seated on our laptops. I recommend movement every 15 mns if you are suffering from depression. Exercise is one of the largest underused anti depressant , do I say more?

Any insights for communicating with children or loved ones who struggle with pent up emotions, dejection and low self esteem?

It is vital to engage with our children in a manner that acknowledges their strengths, pointing out what they do well and showing genuine interest in their ideas and suggestions along with incorporating them as and when possible. Additionally, encouraging them to make decisions early in life goes a long way to cultivate a positive self image within them.

Preeti Somani is a psychologist, psychotherapist and a certified parenting expert .


Address- Mindscape Clinic ,

Sadhana Enclave.